
Red Cotton Bug

Latin: Dysdercus cingulatus
Family: Pyrrhocoridae
Order: Hemiptera
English: English: Red Cotton Bug, Red Cotton Stainer, Cotton Stainer Bug
Indonesian: (unknown)

Red Cotton Bug Red Cotton Bug

As I know little about insects I had some problems finding the name of this bug. To make it have a name I have called it Nemo Bug for years. Now, after searching the internet, I guess it is a Red Cotton Bug (Dysdercus cingulatus). Whatever its name, I like the surprising pattern and color combination on its chest. So far it only once visited my garden. The photo was made while it was resting on a rose shrub. The Red Cotton Bug feeds on a variety of plants, not just cotton. Probably this animal could not find anything interesting in my garden, as it left soon and never returned.

Asian Papaya Fruit Fly

Latin: Bactrocera papayae
Family: Tephritidae
Order: Diptera
Indonesian: Lalat buah

Asian Papaya Fruit Fly Asian Papaya Fruit Fly

I classified this as a fruit fly (Bactrocera papayae). Please correct me if I am wrong. It is certainly not a very regular guest of the garden. May be I should be happy for that as it might go for the fruits of our mango tree.

The Papaya Fruit Fly can do much damage to a wide rage of fruits and fleshy vegetables including mango, banana, papaya, guava and tomato. Control is easiest done by fruit bagging, destruction of fallen and overripe fruits, and the early harvest of mature green fruits.

Predatory Fly Species

Latin: (unknown)
Family: (unknown)
English: (unknown)
Indonesian: (unknown)

predatory fly predatory fly

The first photo is one of the few insect pictures where I am satisfied enough about the quality. The second photo is the same animal seen from a different angle, but a bit out of focus. There is still much to learn about photography...

I have been told that this is a "predatory fly". So, does this mean that it is a "good guy" who might help to control the fruit flies shown above? I can not find its name. Who can help me? Like the fruit fly above it is a rare guest of my garden.

Fly Species

Latin: Lucilia spec.?
Subfamily: Luciliinae?
Family: Calliphoridae?
Order: Diptera
English: Blowfly?
Indonesian: (unknown)


After a searching in different sources, I realised that this certainly is not the only fly species with red eyes. The world of flies only has a amazing variety. Who can help me in the right direction?
Is this a Lucilia spec.?

Lime Butterfly

Latin: Papilio demoleus
Family: Papilionidae
Order: Lepidoptera
English: Lime Butterfly, Lime Swallowtail, Lemon Butterfly
Indonesian: Kupu-Kupu Jeruk

Lime Butterfly Caterpillar
Larva of Lime Butterfly

The caterpillar above probably is the best insect picture I have made so far. Though the animal was only a few centimeters long, the photo shows much detail. This was a reason for me to look for more information on the body parts of caterpillars.
In the picture the caterpillars head is on the left. It has a brown-yellowish color. The tiny black spots in it are eyes. The black patch on the back is one of the falls eyes, that probable have the function of impressing enemies. Somewhere at the head should be the mouth parts, but I cannot discover any.
Like all insects the caterpillar has six legs attached to the thorax. Three legs are visible just right of the head. The other leg-like body parts attached to the abdomen are prolegs or falls legs. These prolegs have no segments or joints, but have a circle or band of tiny hooks to grip for support.
The abdomen exists of ten segments, of which number 9 and 10 are fused. The oval holes at the side of the abdomen segments are called spiracles and are used for breathing.
I have no idea what function the little antennae at the end of the caterpillar have.

Like all caterpillars, this animal was continuously eating.

A few days after I made the picture above I found the pupa of the caterpillar in a plant nearby its former place. It was attached with its tail and a silky girdle to a leave stalk.

Lime Butterfly Caterpillar
Lime Butterfly - Pupa

Later I discovered that there often are Lime Butterfly larva on my citrus trees.
When the larva are still young they look like bird droppings. This is a protection system that makes them less attractive for predators. In case there is in spite of that a predator coming near, the caterpillar shows red coloured glands (osmeterium) from its head. These glands release a pungent smell that seems to drive the predator away. Both young and older larva of the lemon butterfly can display their osmeterium.

Young larva of Lime Butterfly
Young larva of Lime Butterfly looking like bird droppings

Lime Butterfly caterpillar showing osmeterium
On the left and right: Larva of Lime Butterfly before and during display of osmeterium

Lime Butterfly - wings closed
Lime Butterfly sitting on Sanseviria flowerbuds - wings closed

The Lemon Butterfly is said to be common in South East Asia. Both larva and butterfly are attractive, but as in some areas the larva are a pest causing much damage in citrus plantations, not everybody will be happy to see them.

There seems to be some subspecies of the butterfly. I still have to find out what their characteristics are.

Unknown Bug (on Mango)

Latin: (unknown)
Family: (unknown)
Indonesian: (unknown)

Mango Bug Mango Bug

What is the name of these bugs? Please help.
I often find them on the young leaves of the mango tree. It seems they suck sap, after which the leaves wither.

Longhorn Beetle species

Latin: (unknown)
Family: Cerambycidae?
Indonesian: (unknown)

Mango Bug
Good camouflage!
Mango Bug Mango Bug

One evening I found the beetle in the pictures above next to the outdoor lamp. Because of the lack of light I could not make a photo showing enough details. The next day I could just in time safe the animal from the claws of our cat who was playing with it in the lawn. After making some shots in a place with enough light I released it in the mango tree where it blended in perfectly with the bark.

The beetle measures about 3 cm. It has striking long antenna of about 4 cm length. Next to that the two false eyes on the back are characteristic.
So far I did not find out what this animal consumes. It was basically inactive.
I am certainly not a entomologist and haven't seen much close ups of insects yet. That's why it always is a surprise when I blow up macro shots of these creatures and look at the details like legs, mouth parts, antenna and eyes. Do I see well that the eyes of this beetle are positioned around the bases of the antenna? Strange... .

Little Orang Bug

Latin: (unknown)
Family: (unknown)
English: (unknown)
Indonesian: (unknown)

orange bug orange bug

While working in the garden I found a little orange bug sitting on my arm. As it did not try to fly away,  there was enough time to put it on a leave and photograph it. It is the first time that I see this animal. After it finally was bored to pose in front of the camera it went for a flight. I have looked around to find out where it was hiding and on which plants it lives, but nothing to discover.

Common Bluetail

Latin: Ischnura senegalensis
Family: Coenagrionidae
Engish: Common Bluetail, Marsh Bluetail, African Bluetail, Senegal Golden Dartlet
Indonesian: Capung Jarum

damselfly - eyes
Damselfly - funny eyes!

Damselflies rarely visit my garden, but I was ably to make a picture when one was friendly enough to pose for a while on a white painted wall.

The Common Bluetail is native from Africa, through the Middle East, Southern and Eastern Asia up to Papua New Guinea.

Red Dragonfly

Latin: Neurothemis manadensis (N. terminata?)
Family: Libellulidae
Indonesian: Capung Merah

dragon fly
Red Drogonfly - sunbathing

When I tried to identify the dragonfly in the photo above, I learned that there are several red-brown colored species that are common in Indonesia. They look very much the same, but have slightly different wing tips. Based on that I think it is: Neurothemis manadensis

There are times that several dragonflies visit my garden for weeks. The bigger part of the year I cannot find any though. I guess there is a "dragon fly season", but I don't know yet during which months this is.

Oriental Migratory Locust

Latin: Locusta migratoria manilensis
Family: Acrididae
Indonesian: Belalang kembara

Oriental Migratory Locust

The Oriental Migratory Locust is common in a big part of South East Asia. Normally it lives solitary, but in certain conditions in can develop into swarms damaging crops.

Sometimes I find a plant invested with young locusts. Normally these disappear before they can finish the plant. I guess they are eaten by predators.

Planthopper species

Latin: Siphanta?
Family: Flatidae
Indonesian: Wereng ..... ?

unknown insect

This about 1-cm-size green planthopper was once sitting next to my chair on the terras. I still have to find out its name and what is the cotton-like stuff in between its wings/shields.

unknown insect
Unknown insect with cotton wool-like material inside

Paper Wasps

Latin: (unknown)
Family: Vespidae
Indonesian: Tawon Kertas

Paper Wasp

Above and below two different species of paper wasps. The picture above shows the insects on their comb with larvae inside. Again I would be pleased if somebody can tell me the scientific names of these species.

The wasps construct the combs of paper-like material made by chewing and mixing plant and wood fibers with their saliva.

Paper Wasp
Paper wasp comb in Lady Palm


The pages in the categories "animals" and "plants" give an impression of life in the front- and backyard of my house in Makassar, South Sulawesi, Indonesia. The photos were made in a period of several years.
